International MG Meeting
Film Order Form

The Price for a DVD is € 10,00, for a Blu-ray Disk € 20,00 and for a Video € 15,00
Video is only available for the 8th International, Blu-ray is only available for the 10th International.
As the Blu-ray technology is new, problems with our Disks could occur, therfore we are willing exchange a Blu-ray Disk within 30 days.
For the 11th International, please check cash. We will send the DVD free of charge.
Film Order for the * th International MG Meeting

Title: *
First name: *
Surname: *
Address: *
Postcode: * City/County: *
Country: *
EMailaddress: *
  DVD     Blu-ray/Video Number off: * 
Payment by: * Cash Bank Transfer
* = mandatory fields.